Co2Bit’s Sustainable Mission

Co2Bit’s Sustainable Mission

Co2Bit’s Sustainable Mission

Co2Bit’s Sustainable Mission

Co2Bit’s Sustainable Mission

Co2Bit’s Sustainable Mission

About Us CO2Bit Mitigating Climate Change and Its Impacts

CO2Bit Coins of DIFFERENT VALUES (described below the video), Co2(non-trading), Co2A(free-trading), and Co2B(free-trading), are Secure Network Based Digital Assets created as a means to finance:
  • 1. innovative development and proliferation of profitable sustainable carbon-neutral energy generation
  • 2. increased sequestration and accelerated emissions reductions
  • 3. measures to mitigate the adverse impacts of global climate change
  • 4. the evolving participation in our global economy for all

Planning for massive migrations, refugee housing, famine, water shortages, and economic adaptation as a result of rising sea levels and climate changes is not measurable in tons of CO2, and as such are NOT being addressed by REDD+ or Carbon Credit initiatives.
Additional projects include investment in technical innovations and their implementation, such as state-of-the-art micro-grids to insulate communities, companies, and dwellings from broad unplanned power outages or service attacks.

By acquiring and using this currency you help to finance the reduction of our global carbon footprint and bring sustainable power to disadvantaged people globally, including in the most remote areas of the world. By financing and delivering a service utility to users, much like cloud computing, previously insurmountable start-up barriers are mitigated. You can make a difference.

Co2Bit has agreements with Sovereign Nation States and NGOs to use Co2Bitcoins (Co2) to help finance environmental/humanitarian projects. There are 1.5B Co2 minted. They do not trade publicly on an exchange at this time.

We also minted Public Exchange Traded tokens, Co2A and Co2B each of which will be listed publicly. Co2 is exchangeable over a nine-month period into Co2B at a rate of 37.5 Co2 for 1 Co2B. [NOTE: 40M of the minted 70M Co2B are RESERVED for this exclusive purpose. (40M x 37.5 = 1.5B)] through an independent transfer agent (MNTA) in the U.S. No exchange program has been announced for Co2A, but is planned to be available for conversion on a 1-to-1 basis with Co2 when obtained by lenders as forfieted collateral.

Co2Bit's Co2 Tokens may only be exchanged privately - they are not listed on any public exhange at this time. Co2 Awards are not to be traded, exchanged, bartered or otherwise disposed of. They are to be used exclusively as collateral for approved projects.

Quantifying and rewarding sustainable behavior - creating a cultural shift towards planet-saving activities
Advancing standards of living through local access to energy and the global market
Lowering the barrier of entry to environmental activism and philanthropy

We can’t repeat the poor pandemic planning…


The technology behind the CO2Bit coin is similar to Bitcoin and based on Ethereum blockchain technology. Unlike Bitcoin, CO2Bit plans on being implemented as a PoS (Proof of Stake) token that will not waste energy in CPU/GPU or ASIC mining.

Co2Bit provides a means to finance a broader scope of projects than Voluntary Carbon Credits with greater humanitarian impact and serve to enable evolving participation in our global economy for all.

Candidate project proposals for CO2Bit coin infusion can be communicated through numerous forums for evaluation by our implementation partners.

CO2Bit – Sustainable
For All

The CO2Bit Network is a worldwide group of computer participants which process CO2Bit transactions and writes them into the CO2Bit Blockchain ledger.

CO2Bit Tokens are used to invest in CO2 Mitigation, Forestation, Wind, Agricultural Improvements, Solar and green micro-grid sustainable power projects around the globe.

Our Partners are committed to long term participation in the CO2Bit ecosystem. Their guidance and direct involvement raise confidence in the viability of the Environmental and Humanitarian Projects and in CO2Bit.

01 CO2Bit can be bought and sold online with Bitcoin or other Alt or Fiat currencies or between individual wallets with no fees. Currently, CO2B trades publicly and Co2 only privately.
02 CO2Bit and its Partners recognize the various other initiatives underway to support this mission and desire to partner openly with all sustainability participants in the pursuit of a better planet. We believe that cooperation, coordination and even consolidation of the various finance mechanisms will lead to enhanced results.
03 Users install a CO2Bit wallet application (there are some web-browser-based options) that provides their unique address to receive, send and store CO2Bit.
04 Someday, CO2Bit “Stakers” will enable the work that builds and maintains the CO2Bit Blockchain, receiving CO2Bit interest for their effort. (Proof of Stake) The initial implementation of POS vs the current POW authentication methodology is planned via the Ethereum Network as an ERC20 compliant token.

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